

作者:  G.Grassi  严晓伟   日期:2010/6/21 19:06:00


意大利蒙察/米兰S. Gerardo医院、米兰Bicocca大学Guido Grassi教授与北京协和医院严晓伟教授就欧洲高血压指南对全球高血压防治工作的推动作用、高血压合并糖尿病患者的血压控制目标及联合治疗进行深入对话。

     International Circulation: Concerning patients with hypertension and diabetes, these conditions are increasing both in Europe and other countries. Now, hypertension patients complicated with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) are increasing gradually, 1/3 hypertension patients complicated with IGT in Europe, and the percent was 2/3 in China. Are there common pathological mechanisms in both hypertension and diabetes?


    Dr. Yan: In China, the recent epidemiological studies showed that we have 150 million patients with IGT and 92 million with diabetes. This is a very large population of patients with diabetes. Also, in patients with hypertension, the studies show that 62% of hypertensive patients also have a problem with glucose metabolism. This means that it is a very important complication associated with hypertension. We all believe the RAS activation plays an important role in both hypertension and glucose metabolism disorders. In China we advocate using ACE inhibitors or ARBs to treat hypertension complicated with IGT.

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版面编辑:孟遥  责任编辑:张衡


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