
[TCT2009]Roxana Mehran教授谈洗脱支架长期安全性

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/9/25 11:42:00


International Circulation: We’re here with Doctor Mehran; Doctor, what are your thoughts about the long-term safety of sirolimus eluting stents compared with bare-metal stents? 国际循环: 和普通金属支架相比,您觉得西罗莫司洗脱支架长期安全性如何?

International Circulation: Thank you.  Please share your thoughts about the risk factors of contrast-associated nephropathy.

Prof. Roxana Mehran: First of all, the term has been re-coined “contrast- induced acute kidney injury.” This refers to deterioration of kidney function after exposure to contrast media.  The risk factors have been very well documented. I have come up with a risk-assessment score for this important complication. The score includes baseline demographics such as chronic kidney disease, diabetes, hypovolemia, low ejection fraction, congestive heart failure, etc. 
Prof. Roxana Mehran: 首先,其正式的命名是 “造影诱导的急性肾损伤”。这是暴露于造影剂后发生的肾功能恶化。当然,危险因素已经研究得很清楚,而且,事实上,我们对这一重要的并发症已经提出了一个危险评分系统,其中包括了患者基线人口统计数据。这些包括慢性肾脏疾病,糖尿病,低血容量,低射血分数,充血性心力衰竭,等等。

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